IWS Hardcore Heat 2007
Bogeys World, August 18th, 2007

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All Photos by Sean Radwanski

Click for Pictures from Hardcore Heat

Recap by
Steve Rockamaniac

IWS Hardcore Heat Results
Saturday, August 18th, 2007
Bogeys World, Montreal, Quebec

DVD Now Available!

Taking extremely long notes about every single part of a match is Llakor's forte, however it is not mine, so here is the quick and dirty results from Hardcore Heat

Fred la Merveille Defeated Justin White in 8:26 , Justin was disgusted with the fact that he lost to Fred and demanded respect from the crowd, crowd didnt comply.

Kid Kamikaze defeated SeXXXy Eddy in 8:47 thanks to some distraction from The Green Phantom
After which Eddy Challenged Phantom to a match at the medley.

Super Smash Brothers defeated Up in Smoke in 14:52

Jimmy K defeated Don Paysan in 8:42, following a brainbuster on a pair of chairs.

Maxime Boyer defeated Excess in a technical masterpiece.

Joey Soprano Introduces The People's Champion Viking, but IWS Owner PCP Crazy Fucking Manny arrived instead. Following the comedy stylings of Manny which included references to shit-cum babies, and GHB infected females, Manny announced that even though Viking was not at the show, the 5 on 5 would go on as scheduled and a replacement would be admitted out of fairness, which was suprising as fairness and Manny rarely go hand and hand.

5 on 5 - Elimination Match
Order of Entry
1-Jake Matthews
2-El Generico
3 - Shane Matthews @ 2 minutes
4 - Kevin Steen @ 4 minutes
5 - Jagged @ 6, you get the picture
6 - Twiggy (Viking's Replacement)
7 - Brick Crawford
8 - Damian
9 - PCO
10 - Franky The Mobster

Order of Elimination
1 - El Generico by Jake Matthews @ 7:12
2 - Shane Matthews by Twiggy @ 8:57
3 - Twiggy by Jake Matthews @ 9:54
4 - Jagged by Kevin Steen @ 11:34
5 - Brick Crawford by Franky The Mobster @ 15:49
6 - Damian by Jake Matthews @ 16:52
7 - PCO by Franky The Mobster @ 17:59 - After which Franky was double teamed by PCO and Brick Crawford and put through a table from the top rope to the floor
8 - Franky The Mobster by Jake Matthews @ 20:09
9 - Jake Matthews by Kevin Steen via Package Pile Driver @ 23:58 Following what was a classic exchange by these two men.
Thus the winners being Kevin Steen, El Generico, Franky The Mobster, Damian, and Twiggy.

Manny re arrived on the scene at this point furious and in non belief of the fact that Jake had gotten pinned. Kevin Steen informed Jake that he doesnt need Manny's shit and extended his hand out of respect, After multiple warnings by Manny to Jake to not do it, he went through with it, and althought Manny was upset with Jake they made up, but not before Manny proclaimed he was sick and tired of Viking being the champion, so instead of Jake facing Viking at the Medley, PCP Crazy Fucking Manny will step back in the ring to take Viking on in a IWS Death Match.
Manny also took time to inform Kevin Steen and El Generico that he has lined up some old friends to take the pair on at the medley and that is none other than Steen and Generico's ROH rivals, The Briscoe Brothers.
Turning his attention to PCO and Brick, Manny asked if there was anyone in the back who had the balls to face the pair at the Medley, no one answered, so Manny asked the pair if they enjoyed putting Franky through a table earlier in the night, the pair said yes, and so Manny said fuck it, Ill make a match which will allow PCO and Brick to do the same to Franky at the Medley, He then announced that TEAM 3D will team with Franky The Mobster to take on PCO, Brick and Paranoid Jake Matthews.

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