IWS Praise The Violence 2006
Bogeys World, January 28th, 2006

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IWS Results Quick & Dirty

Praise the Violence
Saturday, January 28th, 2006
Bogeys World, Montreal, Quebec

Attendance was between 475 and 500. We ran out of chairs, literally Standing Room Only crowd. There were at least 100 people standing.

Dark Match: Cheech and Cloudy vs. New Jersey All-Stars (Jersey Turnbuckles and Lucky) vs. Shane Storm and Phoenix
Won by Cheech and Cloudy in 11:57

"Please Come Back" chants

Twiggy starts show and calls out Manny over Pornstar Juan's injury last month. (Damian and Beef Wellington were forced to wrestle Twiggy and Posrnstar Juan by Manny. Damian broke Juan's jaw in two places.)

Manny comes out with Vanessa Kraven.

2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) interrupt and after teasing a face turn, everyone attacks Twiggy.

The Hardcore Ninjaz and Player Uno (aka Team Ninja Gaiden) make the save.


Match#1: Vanessa Kraven and 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) vs. Team Ninja Gaiden (Hardcore Ninja Number One and Evil Ninja Number Two and Player Uno)
Won by Team Ninja Gaiden after the Pearl Harbour (Chair Assisted Top Rope Dives) 6:19


Match#2: Marcos Estrada vs. Jimmy Stone
Won by Jimmy Stone in 9:46

Dan Paysan came out and completed a face turn by complaining that D-Vyn was too uptight and never willing to strip during a show, so Dan brought out a stripper for the fans.

"Please Come Back" chant for the stripper.

"Thank You Paysan" chant for Dan.

D-Vyn's mystery opponent for Dan was the Amazing Darkstone


Match#3: The Amazing Darkstone vs. Dan Paysan
Won by Dan Paysan in 7:40


Match#4: IWS Canadian Title - Kid Kamikaze (champion) vs. Maxime Boyer
Won by Kid Kamikaze in 16:36. 4th Title Defence.

Shayne Hawke replaced the cardboard cut-out of George W. Bush as his partner with Jagger W. Bush.


Match#5: Flying Hurricanes (Takao and Kenny the Bastard) vs. SLI-USA (Shayne Hawke and Jagger W. Bush)
Won by SLI-USA in 5:37.

Takao was pinned. Jagger W. Bush planted a flag in Takao as if to claim him as American soil.

After the match, Takao took off his mask and gave it to Kenny and then walked out.


Match#6: Grudge Match: Fred la Merveille vs. Viking
Won by Viking in 11:51.

Fred was dressed as Uncle Sam and wearing a replica of the WWE US Title.

Viking was accompanied by Elsa Bangz.

Viking introduced a new song that was amazing. French hard rock with Belching.


Match #7 was scheduled to be Chris Bishop vs. Franky the Mobster, but Tomassino and Joey Soprano came out instead. Joey Soprano put over Chris Bishop and teased a match with Tomassino, but ended up bringing out his newest acquisition, Quebec wrestling veteran "Paranoid" Jake Matthews.

Match#7: "Paranoid" Jake Matthews vs. Chris Bishop
Won by Jake Matthews in 6:27.


Match#8: Co-Main Event: IWS Title: EXesS (champion) vs. the Green Phantom with Pierre Carl Ouellet
Won by EXesS in 16 minutes even

After the match, Viking came out to challenge EXesS for the title. EXesS took off like a scalded cat.

Before the final match...

Guppie announced that referee Bakais was retiring.

"Please Don't Go" chant for Bakais.

Manny announced that the IWS have a TV deal in place with the Fight Network to air 26 one hour episodes of Bloodstream on a weekly basis later this year.

Match#9: Co-Main Event: Kevin Steen and El Generico vs. Beef Wellington and Damian, "The God of War"
Won by Kevin Steen and El Generico in 25:30 when Kevin Steen dropped Damian on his head with a crunchy Package Pile Driver onto a stack of chairs.

After the match. Kevin Steen, El Generico and Franky the Mobster (who interfered in the match) gave Bakais each of their finishers on his way out of the company. Oh and Manny fired him before he could quit.

Kevin Steen went on to antagonize the crowd for ten minutes after that, riling up the fans so much that one took a swing at El Generico from behind and was thrown out of Bogey's as a result.

Our next two shows are March 11th, Know Your Enemies and April 22nd, Scarred For Life.
Bogey's World Bar & Billiard
3250 Cremazie East, Corner of St-Michel & Cremazie
Near Metro St-Michel
Doors Open 6:30, Show Starts 8pm
Tickets $15 Regular, $20 VIP

For tickets contact Llakor - [email protected]

18+ Card and Times Subject to Change


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